HOME HOME  ▶  Cool Women need HEEL Boots!! Cool Women need HEEL Boots!!
For the past few years, we have been proposing unisex styling based on men's items.
We are very happy that many men, as well as women, have taken our styling as a reference and have accepted the styling of men's items that I, as a woman, wear.
We will continue to propose unisex styling based on men's items as one of the QUADRATO styles!
We have also been gradually proposing "cool styling that feels feminine but is not flirtatious" since last year.
In a word, feminine, but not in the general sense of femininity, but simply in the sense of "a woman will fall in love with!" The image is not one that aims to be popular with men, but one that is cool and admired when seen by women! It's more of an image of being cool and admirable from a woman's point of view.
The feminine styling suggestions that I draw on can easily be started by changing to heels on your feet without changing your clothes!
The first content of September will be for women only, but we will introduce how to create a cool woman by combining heeled boots with your usual styling!

Every woman wants to wear heels that make her look slender, but heeled pumps are no longer a stylistic choice! But many of us can't wear heeled pumps any more, because of their styling!
Stable heeled boots will boost your mood and styling ability!
  • 1. Lace-up Heel Boots
    1. Lace-up Heel Boots
    Best volume laced boots with a not-too-casual atmosphere, from simple styling accents to active styling.
  • 2. Front Drape Heel Boots
    2. Front Drape Heel Boots
    Perfect with any styling!
    The leather of these boots is so beautiful that the more you wear them, the more the leather becomes more comfortable and the more the flow drape is created!
  • 3. Ribbed Nappa Heel Boots
    3. Ribbed Nappa Heel Boots
    Short boots in this best length that make you look slim below the knee! The soft NAPPA leather is processed in a ribbed style for a higher level of coolness!
  • 4. Side Gore Heel Boots
    4. Side Gore Heel Boots
    The wooden form with a solid width and stability is also lighter than it looks.
    A well-balanced pair with side gore accents!

それぞれのブーツをサイズ感と合わせてスタイリング別にご紹介! Each pair of boots is introduced by styling, along with its size!
    • ✔安定感あるヒール
      ✔Stable heel
      ✔Wide width
      ✔One size bigger than usual
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    • シンプルでスタイリッシュなスタイリングの足元は編み上げでエッジをプラス!
      Simple, stylish styling with laced-up feet for added edge!
    • メンズライクなカジュアルスタイリングにON!
      Match with menswear-like casual styling!
      Well-balanced with a relaxed silhouette.

    • ✔サイズ35のみ。小さいサイズがなかった方にはベスト!
      ✔Only available size 35. Best for people with small feet and no size!
      ✔Insoles with cushioned low rebound to reduce strain.
      ✔Normal sizing.
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    • ドレープ感がキレイなパンツとカーディガンの組み合わせ。
      Trousers and cardigans with a beautiful drape.
      It makes you look neat and slender and further enhances the outfit!
    • シンプルでゆったりオチ感のキレイなコットンニットワンピには足元スッキリのブーツでメリハリを!
      A simple, loose-fitting, beautiful cotton knit dress with a neat boots for a cool look!

    • ✔ベーシックでシンプルなシルエット
      ✔Basic, simple silhouette
      ✔Expressive ribbed leather accents
      ✔Normal sizing
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    • メンズパンツでカジュアルなスタイリングもヒールブーツでエッジのあるカッコイイスタイリングに!
      Casual styling with men's trousers can be made edgy and cool with heeled boots!
    • 動きのあるロング丈の羽織りでも、ショートブーツならバランス良くスッキリ&スタイルアップ効果も◎
      Even with a long, dynamic coat, short boots will give you a well-balanced, sleek and style-enhancing effect.

    • ✔安定の太ヒール
      ✔Stable, thick heel
      ✔Balanced length for both trousers and skirts
      ✔Normal size
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    • ゆったりパンツをキュッとカッコよくまとめてくれるのがこのサイドゴアブーツのチカラ!
      The power of these side gore boots is to make loose-fitting trousers look cool!
    • スッキリまとめたスタイリングにヒールブーツでCOOLフェミニンに仕上げる!
      The neat styling is finished off with heeled boots for a COOL feminine look!