HOME HOME  ▶  Winter DENIM STYLING by warm items! Winter DENIM STYLING by warm items!
春夏はデニムをメインにスタイリング、そして秋冬は異素材とのレイヤードをすることで、全体のバランスを楽しむ! これぞ、オールシーズンアイテムのチカラ!
Denim items are popular throughout the year as an all-season item.
One of the charms of denim material is that it can be combined with the material of each seasonal item without any discomfort.
So, this time we will introduce winter denim styling with jackets and pants!
Styling mainly with denim in spring and summer, and layering with different materials in autumn and winter to enjoy the overall balance! "This is the power of an all-season item!"

The denim jacket comes in two colors, so some people sort their sizes by color!
A denim jacket with a completely different impression depending on the color is an eternal item even if the times change!
今季登場したAles Dacchiaの一枚で主役として楽しめ、レイヤードで脇役としても活躍する4つの万能アイテム。
Four versatile items that can be enjoyed as the leading role with one piece of Ales Dacchia that appeared this season, and can also be used as a supporting role in layered.
The point is how you can enjoy items with different materials and designs with denim!
  • ダウン素材の1/3以下の厚みでありながら、保温性と通気性のどちらも兼ね備えた中綿シャツは、春も活躍する万能アイテム! A padded shirt that is less than 1/3 the thickness of down material yet has both heat retention and breathability, making it a versatile item that can be used in spring as well!
  • 暑がりという人でも何枚も重ね着しなくてもイイ!っということで人気が出てきたラクーンジップアップ! Even if you are sensitive to heat, you don't have to wear multiple layers! Raccoon zip-up that has become popular!
  • INでもOUTでも楽しめるストールカーディガンは、スタイリング幅が一番広がるアイテム! A stole cardigan that can be worn both indoors and outdoors is the item with the widest range of styling!
  • 着ているだけで気分もアガルコートは、すでに完売に。
    This coat, which makes you feel good just by wearing it, is already sold out.
    However, many people have picked it up as a styling reference!

    • カジュアルなイメージになりやすいBlue Washのデニムジャケットにはゆったりパンツとあわせることで全体のシルエットがまとまり、スタイリッシュな雰囲気のあるべ―ススタイリングに☆ The Blue Wash denim jacket, which tends to give off a casual image, can be paired with loose pants to create a stylish base styling☆

    • ゆったりとスッキリのベストバランスのニットパンツと合わせてベーススタイリングに。
      オールブラックの中に映えるBLACK WASHのデニムが◎
      For a base styling, pair it with loose and refreshing knit pants with the best balance.
      BLACK WASH denim that shines in all black ◎

    • " このウォッシュ感でありながら履き心地抜群のストレッチ!
      膝下スッキリでサルエル感あるデニムはジャストサイズで履いても1サイズアップしてゆったり感で履いても◎ "
      " This is a wash feeling, but it is stretchy and comfortable to wear!
      Denim with a neat and sarouel feel below the knee can be worn just the right size, or you can wear it one size up for a looser feel. "
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    • どんなカラーアイテムとの相性もバツグンにいいのがBlueWashのデニムパンツ。
      BlueWash denim pants go well with any color item.
      When pairing with colored items, simply wear a raccoon knit as an inner layer.
    • ただBLACKと合わせるだけでなく、ロング丈の中綿シャツと合わせることでカジュアルになりがちなBlue Washもスタイリッシュにまとまる!
      Not only match it with BLACK, but you can also combine it with a long padded shirt to create a stylish look for Blue Wash, which tends to be casual!

    • " WASH感の表情が、黒のボトムスの中でも違った表情を楽しめるのが、このBLACK WASHデニム。 "
      " This BLACK WASH denim allows you to enjoy a different look even with black bottoms. "
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    • カーキのロンTフーディーでオールブラックの中にもラフさをプラス。
      A khaki hoodie adds roughness to the all black.
      Keep warm with a smooth gorilla coat!
    • オフホワイトのロングニットカーディガンと中綿シャツのレイヤード。
      Layered off-white long knit cardigan and padded shirt.
      The wash feeling of BLACK denim matches the balance of the layered haori!