HOME HOME  ▶  Add Color to your styling with a bag!!! Add Color to your styling with a bag!!!
カラーアイテムの洋服は苦手でも、バッグなら抵抗感なく実用性もあって良かった!っということで、多くの方に手にしていただいた、Christian Peauのレザー&コットントートバッグ。

A styling proposal using a color bag that was popular in the autumn and winter.
I'm not good at colored clothes, but I'm glad that a bag is practical without feeling hesitant! So, Christian Peau's leather and cotton tote bag that many people got their hands on.
And in the spring and summer, when black is used as a base, there are many combinations of white and gray clothes, and there are many people who are worried that it will look messy.

I'm glad I got this color tote series for autumn and winter, so I want to get a second color, but I'm not sure which color to choose!
This time, we will introduce styling that matches each of the 5 colors in the spring/summer styling version!

Three best points that QRT insisted on!
①The length of the handle that fits firmly under the arm. But the length of the best handle that is not too long!
②Comes with a zip pouch of the same material and color that can hold a wallet in cotton!
③Comes in a variety of colors that look great with black-based clothes!

    • BLACKとはいえ、製品染めにしっかり洗いをかけているので、コットン部分はダークグレーのような柔らかい風合いに。 Even though it is black, the cotton part has a soft texture like dark gray because the product has been thoroughly washed.
    • カジュアルスポーティーなスタイリングにも◎
      For casual sporty styling◎
    • ボリューム感あるワンピに合わせても負けないバランスで◎
      Balanced enough to match with a voluminous dress◎
    • 白×グレーのスタイリングをグッとクールに惹き立てくれる!
      The white and grey styling will make you stand out in a cool way!

    • 黒白に映えるイエローは、パッと気分も明るくなるトーン。持ってるだけで気分があがる! Yellow that shines in black and white is a tone that brightens your mood. Just holding it makes me feel better!
    • ナイロンブルゾンの素材感にもマッチして!
      It also matches the texture of the nylon blouson!
    • アクティブなスタイリングにもサッと合わせて◎
      Match with active styling quickly◎
    • 白黒スタイリングのアクセントとしてパッと映える!
      It looks great as an accent for black and white styling!

    • 落ち着いた色合いでスタイリングに馴染みやすいシナモンは、黒白はもちろん青緑系と相性良し! Cinnamon, which has a calm color and is easy to match with styling, goes well with black and white, as well as blue and green!
    • サンダルからチラッと見える肌とバッグがリンクしてRelaxデニムスタイル!
      Relax denim style with sandals and bag linked!
    • スカートと同系色でまとめて、黒でシメてクールフェミニンに!
      Take advantage of the jacket-like silhouette for a monotone, simple and stylish look!
    • 意外とマッチするカーキにシナモンバッグ!新しい発見を楽しむ!
      A cinnamon bag with a khaki that matches unexpectedly! Enjoy new discoveries!

    • 元気なビタミンカラーのマリーゴールドは、サシ色として意外にも合わせやすく◎ Vigorous vitamin-colored marigolds are surprisingly easy to match as an accent color.
    • 春夏の黒ベーススタイリングも、白&Mゴールドでパッと明るく!
      The black base styling for spring and summer is also bright with white and M gold!
    • 白カーキとの相性抜群!黒に頼らなくてもクールな印象はそのまま!
      Excellent compatibility with white khaki! Even if you don't rely on black, you can keep the cool impression!
    • テッパン白黒スタイリングに足すだけで、簡単パワーチャージ!
      Easy power charge just by adding to timeless black and white styling!

    • 深みと風合いある色味のダークガーネットは、黒とは違うクールなカッコ良さを感じるカラー! Dark garnet with depth and texturede color feels cool and cool unlike black!
    • いつもの黒バッグからDガーネットに変えれば、気分も変わる!
      If you change from your usual black bag to D.Garnet, your mood will change!
    • サブバッグとしてメインの黒レザーバッグを惹き立てるDガーネット!
      D.Garnet that attracts the main black leather bag as a sub bag!
    • シンプルなスタイリッシュカジュアルの中でも存在感ある色味で!
      The color has a strong presence even in a simple stylish casual style!