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QUADRATO Co.,Ltdを設立して20年目、QUADRATO Boutiqueを始めて10年目。

それにも関わらず、QUADRATO Boutiqueでお買い上げいただけることはワタシ達にとって、何よりも価値あるものをセレクトしているという証として自信へと繋がっています。

It has been 20 years since we established QUADRATO Co.,Ltd and 10 years since we started QUADRATO Boutique.
This year, which marks this milestone, we would like to look back at what we have done up to now, and as we think carefully about what we want to be in the future, we would like to do something exciting that truly values our gratitude to many people and that will betray everyone's expectations in a good way.

Particularly in the apparel industry, where the sale season tends to get earlier and earlier every year, the public sale has started before summer arrives again this year.
Nevertheless, being able to make a purchase at QUADRATO Boutique gives us confidence that we are selecting the best value for money.
So this time around, we'd like to give a valuable gift of gratitude to those who make purchases at this time of year, so that they can enjoy shopping that isn't on sale at this time of year!
We are looking for things that you wouldn't buy yourself but would be happy to receive as a novelty or gift, as well as things that are practical and tasteful.
It's not just the products, it's the gifts that are packed with our sense of style and thought!


あくまでも、これはサブバッグで、DanieleやMirandaのバッグと合わせて持つからこそ、このEasy Subバッグを持ったときの良さが出てくるんです!
This bag was created to meet our requirements for a sub-bag that is "easy to use, match, and carry!"
The theme of this collection is "I wish I had a sub-bag to carry with me when I use the bag as my main bag!"
This is a sub-bag, and it is only when you carry it together with the Daniele and Miranda bags that the Easy Sub bag really comes into its own!
1. " あったらウレシイを感じるサイドポケット "
2. " 中身が見えるって楽チン! "
3. " 長さ調整できるからメインバッグとの相性もそれぞれに良い! "
4. " 軽さと丈夫さを兼ね備えたタイベック素材! "
1. " Side pockets that would be nice to have. "
Zipped pocket for small items. Size is just right for a mobile phone.
2. " It's easy to see what's inside! "
The white Tyvek material inside solves the problem of the black bag that makes it hard to see where things are because of the mess inside!
3. " The length can be adjusted so that they are each compatible with the main bag! "
The adjustable shoulder belt makes it 2-way to carry.
It is easy to balance the main bag as well as the clothing styling!
4. " Tyvek material, which is both light and strong! "
As a stylish new eco-bag that is foldable, not bulky or heavy to carry!

  • あくまでも、メインとして使うバッグではなくECOバッグの感覚で持つバッグ。
    This is not a bag to be used as a main bag, but a bag to be carried as an ECO bag.
    To give you a clear idea of the size, we have lined it up with items that you are familiar with and carry with you on a daily basis!
    The size of the bag is large enough to hold A4 files.
    However, heavy files and laptops can be carried in the main bag, which does not get scared even when carrying them!

Adjust the length of the belt to carry it as a shoulder bag from the shoulder or diagonally
Each of these bags can be carried in different ways to match the main bag, making the main bag even more attractive!
    • クラッチバッグやハンドバッグなど、手がふさがるときにはナナメ掛けにして◎ When worn with a clutch, handbag that restricts the use of your hands, you can hang it diagonally.

    • ナナメ掛けバッグがメインの時には、ショルダーバッグとして持つことでWバッグでもバランス良し! When the diagonal bag is the main bag, it can be held as a shoulder bag for a good balance in a W-bag!