そこで今回は、年々アップグレードしてデザイン性と使いやすさの実用性の両方を兼ね備えたDANIELE BASTAから、今注目の2つのバッグを比較しながらそれぞれの良さをご紹介! The accessories that most people are now wondering about buying.
I'm sure you all already know that accessories are absolutely indispensable.
So this time, from DANIELE BASTA, which has been upgraded year after year to combine both design and the practicality of ease of use, we introduce the advantages of each bag by comparing two of the hottest bags of the moment!
そこで今回は、年々アップグレードしてデザイン性と使いやすさの実用性の両方を兼ね備えたDANIELE BASTAから、今注目の2つのバッグを比較しながらそれぞれの良さをご紹介! The accessories that most people are now wondering about buying.
I'm sure you all already know that accessories are absolutely indispensable.
So this time, from DANIELE BASTA, which has been upgraded year after year to combine both design and the practicality of ease of use, we introduce the advantages of each bag by comparing two of the hottest bags of the moment!

カタチも素材も全く異なるからこそ、迷ってしまうという方も! From everyday use to a short trip, this size can be carried in a snap!
These two bags are the perfect choice for everyday use or a quick trip out.
The shapes and materials are completely different, which is why some people find it hard to decide between them!
カタチも素材も全く異なるからこそ、迷ってしまうという方も! From everyday use to a short trip, this size can be carried in a snap!
These two bags are the perfect choice for everyday use or a quick trip out.
The shapes and materials are completely different, which is why some people find it hard to decide between them!
また、しっかりとしたレザーでありながら柔らかくしなやかでバッグ本体も軽くデイリーバッグとしても◎ It is highly functional as well as being able to hold a lot of luggage, even for those who usually have a lot of luggage.
In addition, while being firm leather, the bag itself is soft and supple, and can be used as a light daily bag. -
使い込むほどにレザーに風合いが増してくるので、エイジングを楽しみたい方にもおススメ! This mini Boston matches the texture of heavy leather with a round shape.
Not only does it hold more securely than it looks, but it also does not lose its shape.
The more you use it, the more the leather will develop a texture, so it is recommended for those who want to enjoy the ageing process!

スクウェアバッグの方がやや大きいくらいで、サイズ感も実はそこまで大きくは変わらない! When the two bags are actually compared side by side, the difference in leather texture is obvious!
The square bag is slightly larger and the size is actually not that much different!
スクウェアバッグの方がやや大きいくらいで、サイズ感も実はそこまで大きくは変わらない! When the two bags are actually compared side by side, the difference in leather texture is obvious!
The square bag is slightly larger and the size is actually not that much different!

とは言え、ボストンもしっかりと入るだけでなく、型崩れしにくいのでガンガン詰め込んで使用しているというリアルボイスもあり! Comparison of what and how much can actually pack in the two bags.
The biggest difference is that the square bag feels more generous in size due to the ease of inserting and removing iPads and wallet pouches due to the wide zipped opening.
However, there are real voices that the Boston is also packed and used because it not only fits well, but also does not easily lose its shape!
とは言え、ボストンもしっかりと入るだけでなく、型崩れしにくいのでガンガン詰め込んで使用しているというリアルボイスもあり! Comparison of what and how much can actually pack in the two bags.
The biggest difference is that the square bag feels more generous in size due to the ease of inserting and removing iPads and wallet pouches due to the wide zipped opening.
However, there are real voices that the Boston is also packed and used because it not only fits well, but also does not easily lose its shape!

長さ調整可能なベルトならゆったりアウターの上からでもゴワつくことなくナナメ掛けもできるのが◎ The adjustable length belt allows you to hang it on your head over a loose outer garment without it being too loose.
ベルトの長さをあえて短めにしてボディバッグ感覚でカーディガンコートの中にかけても使用しても◎ The belt length can be shortened to make it feel like a body bag, and can also be used inside a cardigan coat.
仕事の時などにも使用できる雰囲気に早変わり! Length of hand belt that can also be held firmly under the armpit◎
Quickly changes to an atmosphere that can be used at work! -
この取っ手の長さだからこそこの雰囲気が出るんです! It looks cool when held as a handbag!
The length of the handle is what gives it this vibe!