被災されました皆さまには心より お見舞い申し上げます。
The new project started last Friday.
We received messages from many people, thank you!
One of them was from people who would like to help but have already got both the cotton shirt and the coloured bag.
We would like to help, but we have already got the cotton shirt and the coloured bag, so we asked if there are any other items we can add to the project.
So we added a long knit cardigan, which had not been listed in the shop or on the web!
We will continue this project after we close it at the end of January, changing the items and shapes!
Continuity is power! Start with the small things you can do! We will continue with small things that we can do!
On 1st January 2024, an earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula.
I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to all those affected.
I, too, experienced fear and anxiety while returning home to Niigata.
And although I have safely returned to Tokyo and started my daily life, this experience has made me think about many things.
Due to the effects of the earthquake and other disasters, I believe that there is no small amount of feeling of being left at a loss as to whether it is okay for me to shop when there are victims who are in need of food, clothing and shelter, as well as those who have died.
The same goes for the shopkeepers. They wonder if it is okay to do business.
But for the sake of recovery, I felt that we need to consume normally and keep the economy going, and that it is important for us to sell our products.
When we thought about what we can do now, we thought that support is only possible if we have a stable core business as well as our own lives, so this time we are going to start by donating a part of the sales of our target products as a 'project to both help the affected areas and our own shop's sales'.
"Just by shopping as you normally do, you can make a small contribution"
We would like to start with something as small as that.
【Donation amount】
・The donation will be made in the amount of 2000 yen and 5000 yen respectively from the sales of each of the target products.
【Acceptance period】
・5th January - 31st January 2024.
【Donations can be made to】
・Japanese Red Cross Society Domestic Disaster Relief Fund "Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund"
被災されました皆さまには心より お見舞い申し上げます。
・日本赤十字社 国内災害義援金 "能登半島地震災害義援金"
The new project started last Friday.
We received messages from many people, thank you!
One of them was from people who would like to help but have already got both the cotton shirt and the coloured bag.
We would like to help, but we have already got the cotton shirt and the coloured bag, so we asked if there are any other items we can add to the project.
So we added a long knit cardigan, which had not been listed in the shop or on the web!
We will continue this project after we close it at the end of January, changing the items and shapes!
Continuity is power! Start with the small things you can do! We will continue with small things that we can do!
On 1st January 2024, an earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula.
I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to all those affected.
I, too, experienced fear and anxiety while returning home to Niigata.
And although I have safely returned to Tokyo and started my daily life, this experience has made me think about many things.
Due to the effects of the earthquake and other disasters, I believe that there is no small amount of feeling of being left at a loss as to whether it is okay for me to shop when there are victims who are in need of food, clothing and shelter, as well as those who have died.
The same goes for the shopkeepers. They wonder if it is okay to do business.
But for the sake of recovery, I felt that we need to consume normally and keep the economy going, and that it is important for us to sell our products.
When we thought about what we can do now, we thought that support is only possible if we have a stable core business as well as our own lives, so this time we are going to start by donating a part of the sales of our target products as a 'project to both help the affected areas and our own shop's sales'.
"Just by shopping as you normally do, you can make a small contribution"
We would like to start with something as small as that.
【Donation amount】
・The donation will be made in the amount of 2000 yen and 5000 yen respectively from the sales of each of the target products.
【Acceptance period】
・5th January - 31st January 2024.
【Donations can be made to】
・Japanese Red Cross Society Domestic Disaster Relief Fund "Noto Peninsula Earthquake Disaster Relief Fund"
" Target Item1 "
売上金額から1点につき"5000円"を義援金とさせていただきます。 The No. 1 white long knit cardigan with black styling is hard to find anywhere else! This is a precious item that we have been saving for a long time without selling it in the shop or on the web!
We already have a few left, but you can be absolutely sure of the price and ease of use!
We will donate "5,000 yen" per item from the sales of them.
売上金額から1点につき"5000円"を義援金とさせていただきます。 The No. 1 white long knit cardigan with black styling is hard to find anywhere else! This is a precious item that we have been saving for a long time without selling it in the shop or on the web!
We already have a few left, but you can be absolutely sure of the price and ease of use!
We will donate "5,000 yen" per item from the sales of them.
" Target Item2 "
From the amount of sales of these bags, which can be in any number of colours and are easy to incorporate with a sense of colour staring, we will donate "2000 yen" per bag.
" Target Item3 "
そんな間違いのないこの中綿シャツの売上金額から1点につき"5000円"を義援金とさせていただきます。 A must-have cotton shirt that is washable, usable and every person should have one.
We will donate "5,000 yen" per item from the sales of them.
そんな間違いのないこの中綿シャツの売上金額から1点につき"5000円"を義援金とさせていただきます。 A must-have cotton shirt that is washable, usable and every person should have one.
We will donate "5,000 yen" per item from the sales of them.