The jacket and trouser matching clothes, which have been on sale for two consecutive weeks, have been very popular and are already running out of sizes.
Therefore, the content of this matching clothes has been hastily uploaded!
Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the need to not wear a formal suit at work, and surprisingly many people do not have matching clothes for occasional emergencies. I was one of them.
But as I get older, I'm glad I have matching clothes for occasional emergencies! So this year, I have selected two matching clothes that I have been realising since last year.
To begin with, unlike suits, matching clothes are made from the same fabric or series, but the top and bottom are sold separately.
Because they are sold separately, you can get the top and bottom in different sizes and in the balance you want!
And they are versatile, as you can enjoy styling them individually and use them as matching clothes when the occasion calls for it!
In this issue, we introduce styling that makes use of the season's two most popular matching clothes!
Ladies and gentlemen! As a good adult, you must have matching clothes for occasional emergencies!
You can use them on their own on a daily basis!
The jacket and trouser matching clothes, which have been on sale for two consecutive weeks, have been very popular and are already running out of sizes.
Therefore, the content of this matching clothes has been hastily uploaded!
Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the need to not wear a formal suit at work, and surprisingly many people do not have matching clothes for occasional emergencies. I was one of them.
But as I get older, I'm glad I have matching clothes for occasional emergencies! So this year, I have selected two matching clothes that I have been realising since last year.
To begin with, unlike suits, matching clothes are made from the same fabric or series, but the top and bottom are sold separately.
Because they are sold separately, you can get the top and bottom in different sizes and in the balance you want!
And they are versatile, as you can enjoy styling them individually and use them as matching clothes when the occasion calls for it!
In this issue, we introduce styling that makes use of the season's two most popular matching clothes!
Ladies and gentlemen! As a good adult, you must have matching clothes for occasional emergencies!
You can use them on their own on a daily basis!

そこで、まずはセットアップのままでもそれぞれ足元やインナーを変えることで幅広くシーンにあわせて活用できるというのを、「カジュアル、スタイリッシュ、クールフェミニン」の3つでご紹介! Last year, we selected a sleek, slim-fit jacket and trousers.
This year, we have a new, loose-fitting, oversized matching clothes, which we have never had before!
So, first of all, we'll show you how the matching clothes can be used for a wide range of occasions by changing the footwear and innerwear respectively, in three different ways: casual, stylish and cool-feminine!
そこで、まずはセットアップのままでもそれぞれ足元やインナーを変えることで幅広くシーンにあわせて活用できるというのを、「カジュアル、スタイリッシュ、クールフェミニン」の3つでご紹介! Last year, we selected a sleek, slim-fit jacket and trousers.
This year, we have a new, loose-fitting, oversized matching clothes, which we have never had before!
So, first of all, we'll show you how the matching clothes can be used for a wide range of occasions by changing the footwear and innerwear respectively, in three different ways: casual, stylish and cool-feminine!
studio b3-COTTON CORDUROY matching clothes
それぞれ単体でデイリーに使えそうなのも推しのポイント Although the fabric is a corduroy weave, it is 100% cotton, so there is no raising of the surface and it does not have a winter feel
The black and white print on the lining adds an accent.
The fact that each can be used on a daily basis on its own is also a point of recommendation. -
上下セットで着てしまうと強い?と思いきや、黒との相性がバツグンなのでインナーを変えるだけで印象も変わり、それぞれに全く違う雰囲気のセットアップに! The black and white tweed weave is just so cool and the luxurious fabrics.
Is it strong when worn as a top and bottom set? The impression changes just by changing the innerwear, as it goes perfectly with black, giving each matching clothes a completely different atmosphere!

どちらもオーバーサイズのゆったりとしたシルエットで、ジャケットの中のインナーに何を着てもゴワつかないで合わせやすいのがこの3つのモードで活躍できる条件! Each can be used as a matching clothes, or with the matching innerwear and footwear to change the atmosphere.
Comparison of the three categories: casual, stylish and cool feminine!
Both have an oversized, loose-fitting silhouette and are easy to match with whatever you wear as an inner layer inside the jacket without being stiff, which is a condition that allows them to work in these three categories!
どちらもオーバーサイズのゆったりとしたシルエットで、ジャケットの中のインナーに何を着てもゴワつかないで合わせやすいのがこの3つのモードで活躍できる条件! Each can be used as a matching clothes, or with the matching innerwear and footwear to change the atmosphere.
Comparison of the three categories: casual, stylish and cool feminine!
Both have an oversized, loose-fitting silhouette and are easy to match with whatever you wear as an inner layer inside the jacket without being stiff, which is a condition that allows them to work in these three categories!
【How to choose sizing】✓パンツはサルエルタイプとLOWクロッチの2型あり。今回は、サルエルタイプを着用。
✓パンツのサイズはウェストで選ぶよりも足周りのバランスでサイズ選びするのをおススメ。 ✓There are two types of trousers: a sarouel type and a LOW crotch type. The sarouel type is worn this time.
✓Both have a very loose waist, even with elasticated waist.
✓It is recommended to choose the size of trousers based on the balance around the leg rather than on the waist.
フードを出すだけで一気にカジュアル感がプラスされて◎You can also wear the IceGrey light sweatshirt as an inner layer.
Just by taking out the hood, a casual feeling is added at once. -
プラス、ホワイトスウェットを着たり掛けたりのアレンジで◎With the advantages of matching clothes, use a long T as an inner layer.
Plus, you can arrange a white sweatshirt to wear or hang◎ -
オーバーサイズのセットアップなら甘くならないのが◎Match with a chiffon top and heeled boots for added edge.
Oversized matching clothes won't be too sweet◎
足元は、ボリュームあるブーツで◎The black and white checked tweed fabric is worn with a black hoodie!
Match with voluminous boots on the feet. -
ジャケットの上から黒のゆったりロングリネンコートを合わせて黒でまとめてスッキリに!The inner layer is simply a long Tee.
A long, loose-fitting black linen coat is worn over the jacket, with black for a sleek look! -
キレイなVネックのスッキリトップスとヒールで媚びない女性らしさとカッコ良さをバランス良く◎A good balance of flirtatious femininity and coolness with a clean V-neck top and heels◎

そこで、今からのデイリースタイリングとなる2つのスタイリングをベースに、それぞれにジャケットをONして全く問題ないのをご紹介! In telling you that matching clothes are easy to style separately, some people are worried that it is a little difficult when it comes to jackets, while no one feels any particular difficulty with trousers.
So, based on the two daily styling styles from now on, we introduce how it is perfectly fine to turn on a jacket to each of them!
そこで、今からのデイリースタイリングとなる2つのスタイリングをベースに、それぞれにジャケットをONして全く問題ないのをご紹介! In telling you that matching clothes are easy to style separately, some people are worried that it is a little difficult when it comes to jackets, while no one feels any particular difficulty with trousers.
So, based on the two daily styling styles from now on, we introduce how it is perfectly fine to turn on a jacket to each of them!
ゆったりしたシルエットで、着心地も動きやすさはもちろんプライスの良さも◎A cotton dress that was very popular in the recent reel video and is now ready for the big time.
The fabric is a solid, thick cotton◎
Loose-fitting silhouette, comfortable to wear and easy to move in, as well as a good price.
夏に活躍したアイテムの上からジャケットをプラスしても違和感のない生地感で◎Loose-fitting tops that can be worn like a T-shirt are still in great demand this autumn.
Trousers are popular for their smooth, lightweight feel in cotton trousers.
The fabric feels comfortable even when a jacket is added on top of items that were active in summer.
寒くなったら、ジャケットの中に着ても◎ A TAUPE sweatshirt in black can be turned on from the shoulder to add an accent!
When it gets cold, you can wear it inside a jacket. -
ゆったりジャケットなので中に着ても◎ Just throw a sweatshirt over the jacket like a black stole for an instantly tighter look!
It's a loose-fitting jacket, so you can also wear it inside.