夏の羽織りとして持ち歩きやすかったアイテムが、寒くなるこれからも活躍できるというリアルオールシーズンアイテムと言う事を是非実感して欲しいです! We had taken a break from the content for a few weeks due to the rush of new releases, but last week we received a lot of good feedback from people who had been waiting for it, which was very encouraging for us!
Of course, this week, we're focusing on two items that many of you have been eyeing up, just as much as the new items!
Actually, these two items are in short supply, and as there will be no similar items in the next spring selection, we have decided to take a break from selling them on 31th October.
However, many of you already own these items, so we've introduced winter styling that you can wear in the coming months without any problems!
We want you to realise that this item, which was easy to carry around as a summer cloak, is a real all-season item that can be used from now on when it gets colder!
夏の羽織りとして持ち歩きやすかったアイテムが、寒くなるこれからも活躍できるというリアルオールシーズンアイテムと言う事を是非実感して欲しいです! We had taken a break from the content for a few weeks due to the rush of new releases, but last week we received a lot of good feedback from people who had been waiting for it, which was very encouraging for us!
Of course, this week, we're focusing on two items that many of you have been eyeing up, just as much as the new items!
Actually, these two items are in short supply, and as there will be no similar items in the next spring selection, we have decided to take a break from selling them on 31th October.
However, many of you already own these items, so we've introduced winter styling that you can wear in the coming months without any problems!
We want you to realise that this item, which was easy to carry around as a summer cloak, is a real all-season item that can be used from now on when it gets colder!
そしてニットを脱いでジャケットだけで室内で着用していても違和感なく◎Dolman sleeve bomber jacket in two different cotton fabrics.
This jacket is very popular amongst men and is also well received as it gives a crisp and well-balanced look just by throwing it on!
However, many people think that the thin cotton material makes it difficult to wear in autumn and winter, but this is not the case at all: the silhouette goes well with knitwear and is easy to layer.
And you can even take off the knit and wear just the jacket indoors without any discomfort◎ -
パンツに白を持ってくることで一気にスタイリッシュでクールな印象に! The autumn/winter coordinate using white trousers that we propose for this autumn/winter season.
Bringing white to trousers gives a stylish and cool impression at once!ゆったりドルマンスリーブを活かしてインナーにニットフーディーを合わせることで、着心地の良さはそのままに秋冬を感じさせる羽織りに変身! By taking advantage of the relaxed dolman sleeves and adding a knit hoodie as an inner layer, the garment is transformed into an autumn/winter-inspired woven fabric without sacrificing comfort! -
柔らかくなりがちなBONE MELのカーディガンコートもAllブラックをベースに合わせることでクールにキマル! The BONE MEL cardigan coat, which tends to be softer, can also be combined with an All black base for a cooler look!ゆったりとした袖口とドルマンスリーブがバランス良く、全体のシルエットも馴染んで◎
また、生地感の相性も◎ The relaxed cuffs and dolman sleeves are well balanced, the overall silhouette is familiar and the fabrics are well matched◎
最後はXSのみと言うことで、XSを着用してスタイリングをご紹介!This stretch jacket sold out immediately last year.
This year we had a special re-production just only for QUADRATO and many people were able to experience the quality of this jacket!
This jacket has finally reached the last 2!
The last size is only available in XS, so here is a styling of the jacket in XS! -
パンツはゆったりでもスリムでもどちらでも◎ A crisp layer of a sleek silhouette jacket and a loose-fitting knitted cardigan!
Trousers can be either loose or slim.ニットのざっくりした袖口周りからチラッとジャケットを出すだけで、小柄の方でもバランス良いレイヤードに! Just a glimpse of the jacket from around the knit's rough cuffs creates a well-balanced layer, even for petite people! -
一見難しそうに見えるシルエットのパンツでも、ラクーンニットとの相性が最高にイイ!と言ってしまう程、簡単&パーフェクトスタイリング! Even trousers with a seemingly difficult silhouette work best with raccoon knitwear! So easy & perfect styling that you can say!フロントフラップニットからチラッと見えるジャケットは、着心地の良さからロンT感覚でレイヤードに! The jacket, which can be glimpsed through the front flap knit, can be layered like a long tee due to its comfort!