HOME HOME ▶  "Need NOW, Must NOW, Perfect BOOTS!" "Need NOW, Must NOW, Perfect BOOTS!"
The first content of June is AGL's sneaker boots, which many people have finally started to get from April to May.
It looks like a boot, but it feels like a sneaker.
This sneaker boot has become a popular item since its release!
So, this time, we will thoroughly dissect these sneaker boots, which are only a few left, for those who are wondering!
Especially now that we have entered the rainy season, as summer boots that can be worn comfortably and stylishly, of course, for those who already have them, we will introduce them in a reel video on Instagram along with simple care!

Based on AGL's original model, these sneaker boots have been changed to a neat line that makes it easy to match the length.
Here are the 4 points that were born from such commitment!


" 1. Perfect Length "
ベストセラーブーツとなったPortailleのQUADRATOモデルも、パンツやスカートに合わせやすく、美脚効果があるワタシのこだわりの丈感にしたのと同様、AGLも同じ丈感に! Portaille's QUADRATO model, which has become a best-selling boot, is easy to match with pants and skirts, and has the same length as the AGL, which has a beautiful leg effect.
" 2. Match to any types of wear "
ゆったりパンツから細身のパンツ、そしてスカートにもどのシルエットにもマッチするのは最大のポイント! The biggest point is that it matches any silhouette, from loose pants to slim pants and skirts!
" 3. Wide Opening "
When you get used to it, there is room around the opening of the shoe, which makes the area below the knee look neater.
There is more room around the ankle than in the Portaille, so even those with ankle problems can wear this without ankle problems!
Because there is a little room around the ankle and the opening, it is incomparably comfortable and doesn't look heavy compared to tight summer boots!
" 4. Super Light weight "
The first thing most people say when they pick it up at the store is "light!"
It's light, and it's completely different from conventional boots that come with cheap and tacky!

    • 雨の日でも、晴れの日でも気にせずガンガン履きたいけど、汚れやシミになるのが怖い……っという方へ是非おススメしたい、素人でも簡単にケアできるのはコレ! I would definitely recommend this shoe care to those who want to wear it regardless of whether it is raining or sunny, but are afraid of getting dirty or stained.
      中途半端にオイルだのクリームだの使ってケアするより、ソールのカカト修理などの際に、プロにしっかりとケアしてもらうのがおススメですが、 そうは言ってもちょっとした簡単ケアも知っておくだけで、気兼ねなく履ける!
      Rather than using oil or cream halfway through care, it is recommended to get a professional shoe care of it properly when repairing the heel of the sole. Even so, if you know a little simple care, you can use it without hesitation!
      Collonil's nourishing cream BLACK has the effect of moisturizing the leather and making it glossy.
      How to use and precautions are introduced in the Instagram video!

    • 履いて馴染んだ私物を直接みて、その雰囲気の良さに欲しくなったという方が何人もいたほど、その風合いやシワ感は新品からは想像を超えるほど良いものに! The texture and wrinkles of the new shoes are so good that you can't even imagine them!
      Even when new, the ankle area is surprisingly roomy and comfortable from the start!
      When you put them on and start to get used to them, wrinkles are created around the ankles in a well-balanced manner, and the taut expression around the bridge of the nose disappears, giving you a cool impression!
      This cool expression makes it easy to match with any style◎


Whether it's a rainy day or a hot day, it's great for styling in the coming season!