This year is better than last year, and more than this year!
This year is better than last year, and more than this year!

一月の後半に入った今週は、この秋冬に去年よりもさらにベストセラーとなったAles Dacchiaの中綿シャツとラクーンニットにフォーカス!
そこで今回は、去年はそれぞれ単体で見せていたアイテムを、今年は中綿シャツとラクーンのセットで見せる最強コンビを2つのラクーン毎にご紹介! This week, in the second half of January, we focus on Ales Dacchia's cotton shirts and raccoon knits, which have become even better sellers this autumn/winter than last year!
We thought that these items would fall in popularity because they were also available last year, but instead of falling, this year's bestsellers have surpassed last year's. The reason for this is that we've been wearing them in real life!
I think the reason for this is that we have been wearing them in real life for a long time, which has not only improved the quality of the items, but also the way they are styled and arranged, giving them a different look compared to last year!
So this time, for each of the two raccoons, we introduce the best combination of a cotton shirt and a raccoon set this year, whereas last year each item was shown on its own!
そこで今回は、去年はそれぞれ単体で見せていたアイテムを、今年は中綿シャツとラクーンのセットで見せる最強コンビを2つのラクーン毎にご紹介! This week, in the second half of January, we focus on Ales Dacchia's cotton shirts and raccoon knits, which have become even better sellers this autumn/winter than last year!
We thought that these items would fall in popularity because they were also available last year, but instead of falling, this year's bestsellers have surpassed last year's. The reason for this is that we've been wearing them in real life!
I think the reason for this is that we have been wearing them in real life for a long time, which has not only improved the quality of the items, but also the way they are styled and arranged, giving them a different look compared to last year!
So this time, for each of the two raccoons, we introduce the best combination of a cotton shirt and a raccoon set this year, whereas last year each item was shown on its own!

The three most necessary and indispensable items you must have, rather than buying other items!
それでもラクーンニットとしては今まで見てきたラクーンニットの中でもクオリティ・コスパの良さは他のブランドではまずないと断言できます! Two completely different designs of raccoon. And a simple, basic, usable cotton shirt.
With just these three items, you are covered for autumn, spring and midwinter.
Because I discovered this quality last year, this year I don't need heavy outerwear that can only be worn temporarily in the middle of winter! I thought, "I don't need heavy outerwear that I can only wear once in the middle of winter!
By combining any of these three items with a jacket or blouson that you couldn't wear in winter, you can enjoy it for three seasons while changing the impression of the jacket or blouson.
Due to the cost-effectiveness of cotton shirts, each person should have one! However, the reality is that raccoon knitwear is not easy to afford.
The reality is that RACCOON is not easy to afford, but we can say that the quality and cost performance of RACCOON knitwear is unmatched by any other brand we have seen!
それでもラクーンニットとしては今まで見てきたラクーンニットの中でもクオリティ・コスパの良さは他のブランドではまずないと断言できます! Two completely different designs of raccoon. And a simple, basic, usable cotton shirt.
With just these three items, you are covered for autumn, spring and midwinter.
Because I discovered this quality last year, this year I don't need heavy outerwear that can only be worn temporarily in the middle of winter! I thought, "I don't need heavy outerwear that I can only wear once in the middle of winter!
By combining any of these three items with a jacket or blouson that you couldn't wear in winter, you can enjoy it for three seasons while changing the impression of the jacket or blouson.
Due to the cost-effectiveness of cotton shirts, each person should have one! However, the reality is that raccoon knitwear is not easy to afford.
The reality is that RACCOON is not easy to afford, but we can say that the quality and cost performance of RACCOON knitwear is unmatched by any other brand we have seen!

どちらも軽さと着心地の良さはそのままに、順番を変えるだけで楽しみ方が2倍に! Layers of cotton shirts and raccoon knitwear IN & OUT respectively.
Both remain light and comfortable, but just by changing the order you can double the enjoyment!
どちらも軽さと着心地の良さはそのままに、順番を変えるだけで楽しみ方が2倍に! Layers of cotton shirts and raccoon knitwear IN & OUT respectively.
Both remain light and comfortable, but just by changing the order you can double the enjoyment!
Stole Cardigan×Padded Long Shirt
逆に、ストールカーディガンをINすることでチラッと見えるフロントのロングアシメがさりげないレイヤード感になり◎ Layer the stole cardigan over the cotton shirt for amazing styling power!
The volume around the arms of the cotton also gives a calm impression!
Conversely, the long asymmetrical pattern on the front that can be glimpsed when the stole cardigan is worn in gives a subtle layered look. -
Zipped Hoodie×Padded Long Shirt
しかも、どちらもゆったりとした腕周りにも関わらずゴワツキはなく、動きやすさと着心地の良さは他のアウター以上! While it has always been the pattern to put the Raccoon Hoodie in, daring to put the Raccoon on top of the cotton gives you a feeling of being wrapped in warmth and, of course, a good balance of looks.
Moreover, despite the relaxed arm circumference of both, they are not stiff, and the ease of movement and comfort of wearing them is more than that of other outerwear!

どのスタイリングベースにも合うだけでなく、それぞれ印象が変わって楽しめる! Layered set of cotton shirt and raccoon.
This combination looks great and keeps you warm! So, we have kept the base styling and turned on two raccoon layered coats, each with its own base styling!
Not only does it go with any of the styling bases, but each gives a different impression that you can enjoy!
どのスタイリングベースにも合うだけでなく、それぞれ印象が変わって楽しめる! Layered set of cotton shirt and raccoon.
This combination looks great and keeps you warm! So, we have kept the base styling and turned on two raccoon layered coats, each with its own base styling!
Not only does it go with any of the styling bases, but each gives a different impression that you can enjoy!
【STOLE CARDIGAN】OUTはあえてレイヤードとして袖を通さずに首にグルっと巻いてボリューム感をプラス!
INはトップスのフーディーを中綿シャツから出して、フロントからはチラッとストールカーディガンを見せてレイヤード感を楽しむ! OUT dares to wrap around the neck without sleeves as a layered look, adding volume!
For IN, take the top hoodie out of the cotton shirt and enjoy the layered look by showing a glimpse of the stole cardigan from the front! -
【ZIPPED HOODIE】ショールのように中綿シャツの上に肩からかけたOUTは、カジュアルなスタイリングの中にもスタイリッシュな印象に!
中綿シャツの中にINすることで首周りの暖かさをキープ◎ Worn OUT over the shoulder over a cotton shirt like a shawl, it gives a stylish impression in casual styling!
Keep your neck warm by putting it inside a cotton shirt.
【STOLE CARDIGAN】中綿シャツの上からストールカーディガンに袖を通したテッパンレイヤードは、上下スウェットでも一気にエッジの効いたスタイリングに!
逆レイヤードは、CHALKストールをチラッと見せることがポイント! The timeless layer, with the sleeves of the stole cardigan over the cotton shirt, gives an edgy styling at once, even with the sweatshirt on top and bottom!
The key to the reverse layer is to show a glimpse of the CHALK stole! -
【ZIPPED HOODIE】ベーシックにラクーンジップをINしてもエッジのある印象になるのはやはりラクーンニットだからこそ!
ラクーンOUTのレイヤードで真冬仕様のあったか見た目に! It is the raccoon knit that gives an edgy impression even with the basic raccoon zip in!
Layer the raccoon OUT for a warm mid-winter look!
また、コートの中からチラッと見えるのも◎Neat high-twisted cotton skirt and top with cotton mesh cover top as a basement.
In the photo, it looks emphasised because the hands are spread out, but in reality it creates a balanced silhouette with an ostentatious feel.
Also, you can see glimpses of it through the coat. -
【STOLE CARDIGAN】ラクーンOUTのテッパンレイヤードなら、歩く度に動きのあるストールカーディガンで気分もアガル!
逆にINするとスッキリシャープな印象に! If you're layering with the Raccoon OUT, you'll feel agar with a stole cardigan that moves with every step you take!
Contrary to this, you can also wear it IN for a clean and sharp impression! -
【ZIPPED HOODIE】ラクーンフードを首元から出すだけで印象が一気にカジュアル寄りに。
それぞれバッグの持ち方も変えて、より印象をチェンジ! Just by pulling the raccoon hood out from the neck, the impression is instantly more casual.
Conversely, leaving the raccoon zip OUT creates a relaxed atmosphere.
The way each bag is carried is also changed to give a different impression!
【STOLE CARDIGAN】ラクーンストールをOUTにして、歩く度にチラッと見えるカラーパンツが◎
そしてINではストールカーディガンを前後逆にして着用すればシンプルだったベーススタイリングもグッとレベルアップに! With the raccoon stole OUT, you can see a glimpse of the coloured trousers every time you walk.
And if you wear the stole cardigan backwards and forwards when you are in, the simple base styling can be raised to a whole new level! -
【ZIPPED HOODIE】ラクーンジップをINすることでカジュアルな中にも風格ある雰囲気に!
逆にOUTにしてラフ感のあるスタイリングに! The Raccoon Zip can be worn in to create a casual yet stately atmosphere!
Conversely, turn it OUT for a rougher styling!

スタイリングの中でも実際にアレンジを活かしてみたり、まだまだ楽しめること間違いなし! Arranging stall cardigans is something I have started to do recently.
You can actually make use of the arrangement in your styling and still have fun with it!
スタイリングの中でも実際にアレンジを活かしてみたり、まだまだ楽しめること間違いなし! Arranging stall cardigans is something I have started to do recently.
You can actually make use of the arrangement in your styling and still have fun with it!
" Volume BIG stole "
Step3:クロスし、下側になった方をクロスの下から外側に入れ込む The soft and supple raccoon knit is not too thick, so you can wrap it around your neck as a scarf to give it volume.
The pockets that can be glimpsed are a great accent.
Step 1: With the sleeves tucked in, scrunch them up and change the length from left to right.
Step 2: Turn the sleeves around the neck.
Step 3: Cross the sleeves and tuck the bottom side in from the bottom of the cross to the outside. -
" Like Side Asymmetry TOP "
そして、室内に入って羽織りを脱ぐときには、通常通りの着方にすれば◎ Simply reverse the front and back and slip the sleeves through to create a short, asymmetrical top!
If you put a jacket or coat over it, the back will be hidden and not bother you at all!
And when you go indoors and take off the cloak, just wear it as normal.