だからこそ、そんな方々は今お持ちのコットントップスはそのまま着倒すくらい愛用していただき、そして今年は新しいトップスとしてこのコットンリネントップスを、ワードローブの仲間入りにさせることで、またスタイリング幅が広がりますよ! With the weather finally warm enough to wear short sleeves during the day, this week's focus is on cotton linen tops, which QUADRATO recommends this summer!
Most people who have short-sleeved cotton tops that don't easily lose their shape will be able to wear them as they are this year with plenty of room to spare.
So, if you have a cotton linen top that doesn't wear out, you can use it and wear it as it is, and then add this cotton linen top as a new top to your wardrobe this year to broaden your styling options!
だからこそ、そんな方々は今お持ちのコットントップスはそのまま着倒すくらい愛用していただき、そして今年は新しいトップスとしてこのコットンリネントップスを、ワードローブの仲間入りにさせることで、またスタイリング幅が広がりますよ! With the weather finally warm enough to wear short sleeves during the day, this week's focus is on cotton linen tops, which QUADRATO recommends this summer!
Most people who have short-sleeved cotton tops that don't easily lose their shape will be able to wear them as they are this year with plenty of room to spare.
So, if you have a cotton linen top that doesn't wear out, you can use it and wear it as it is, and then add this cotton linen top as a new top to your wardrobe this year to broaden your styling options!

丈はあえてスッキリと短めにすることで、インナータンクとの自然なレイヤード感はもちろん、夏に着心地は快適でも見た目が暑苦しくなりがちな今までのニットトップスとは違い◎ This top has a relaxed body width and raglan shoulders.
The length is daringly clean and short, which is not only good for a natural layered look with an inner tank, but also unlike conventional knit tops that tend to look hot and uncomfortable in summer, even though they are comfortable to wear◎
丈はあえてスッキリと短めにすることで、インナータンクとの自然なレイヤード感はもちろん、夏に着心地は快適でも見た目が暑苦しくなりがちな今までのニットトップスとは違い◎ This top has a relaxed body width and raglan shoulders.
The length is daringly clean and short, which is not only good for a natural layered look with an inner tank, but also unlike conventional knit tops that tend to look hot and uncomfortable in summer, even though they are comfortable to wear◎
" 基本のBLACKは、夏でも快適BLACK "
" 落ち着いたカーキは白でも黒でも合う、最強カラー! "
" 白にはないCOOLさと柔らかさのベストカラー! "
" Basic BLACK is comfortable BLACK even in summer "
" Calm khaki is the most usuful colour, matching both white and black! "
" Best colour for COOL and softness, not available in white! "
" 基本のBLACKは、夏でも快適BLACK "
" 落ち着いたカーキは白でも黒でも合う、最強カラー! "
" 白にはないCOOLさと柔らかさのベストカラー! "
" Basic BLACK is comfortable BLACK even in summer "
" Calm khaki is the most usuful colour, matching both white and black! "
" Best colour for COOL and softness, not available in white! "

There are four things we definitely want to tell you to get you to try new knit tops from T-shirts!
" デリケート肌の方でも安心の肌触り! " " Safe to the touch, even for delicate skin! "コットン70%、リネン30%で柔らかくゴワツキが一切ないのが◎
肌が弱いヤマダでも全く問題ないことで、この夏ヘビーユーズ確定! 70% cotton, 30% linen, soft and not stiff at all.
Even those with sensitive skin will have no problems at all, and heavy use is confirmed for this summer! -
" ニットの編み目の凹凸で汗シミが目立ちにくい! " " The uneven knit weave of the knit prevents sweat stains from being visible! "フラットなコットンTシャツだと、思いっきりでてしまっていた汗ジミ。
でもこのニットトップスならTシャツと比較しても比にならないくらい目立ちにくい! Sweat stains show up on flat cotton T-shirts.
But with this knit top, they are much less noticeable than with a T-shirt! -
" ギュッと詰まり過ぎない、ざっくり緩すぎない程よい編み " " A good knit that is not too tightly and not too loose. "ギュッと目をを詰めて編むと熱がこもったり、通気性が悪くなる。
サマーニットのベストな編みに調整してできたのがまさに今回のニットトップス! Knitting with a tight stitching will result in heat build-up and poor ventilation.
Knitting a loose knit with a large eye will allow for good ventilation, but will also make it easier to scratch.
The knit tops were made by adjusting the knitting to the best summer knit! -
" 絶妙で絶対的にこだわった丈感! " " Exquisite and absolutely particular length! "ニットトップスで一番気を付けたいのが、スタイリングが重く見える、暑苦しく見えるという点。
どうせインナータンクを着るなら、タンクを着る前提でベストな丈にしたら、より軽さとスタイリングのバランスが取りやすくなった! The most important thing to keep in mind with knit tops is that the styling looks heavy and hot.
If you're going to wear an inner tank anyway, it's easier to balance the lightness and styling if you get the best length, assuming you're going to wear a tank!

ゆったりパンツから、細身のパンツまでバランス良く合うマルチに活躍するニットトップス! It is easy to style, just like a T-shirt!
In fact, the overly casual atmosphere of a cotton T-shirt is not too casual with knit tops.
Knit tops are multi-purpose, balancing well with everything from loose-fitting trousers to slim-fit trousers!
ゆったりパンツから、細身のパンツまでバランス良く合うマルチに活躍するニットトップス! It is easy to style, just like a T-shirt!
In fact, the overly casual atmosphere of a cotton T-shirt is not too casual with knit tops.
Knit tops are multi-purpose, balancing well with everything from loose-fitting trousers to slim-fit trousers!
インナータンクの白をチラッと見せたり、あえてインナータンクも黒にしてスッキリと見せても軽さはそのまま、合わせやすさもそのまま! This knit top in BLACK does not give off the image of black knitwear that looks hot and bothered.
It is light and easy to match, even if you show a glimpse of the white inner tank, or dare to show the inner tank in black for a clear look! -
黒と合わせてエッジに!白と合わせて爽やかに!そして、同系色パンツに黒のインナータンクをアクセントに! Khaki in summer is one of the colours that you should definitely keep in mind as it gives a completely different impression just by matching it with white and black!
Match it with black for an edgy look! Match it with white for a fresh look! And accentuate with tonal trousers and a black inner tank! -
黒パンツとの合わせをメインに考えるなら、間違いなくWHITE SAND!
パンツも、ゆったりからスッキリまで幅広く合うのも◎ If you are thinking mainly of wearing it with black trousers, WHITE SAND is definitely the way to go!
Relaxed and stylish, not too casual, not found in white T-shirts.
Trousers can also be worn in a wide range of styles, from loose-fitting to sleek.

これなら、肌寒いときにはもちろん、ワンピースの胸下からのシルエットはそのままにノースリーブやキャミワンピが苦手な方でも問題ナシ! Anyway, the amazing thing about this knit top is that it goes well with any dress!
This is no problem for those who don't like sleeveless or cami onesies, not only when it's chilly, but also when the silhouette of the dress is maintained from the chest down!
これなら、肌寒いときにはもちろん、ワンピースの胸下からのシルエットはそのままにノースリーブやキャミワンピが苦手な方でも問題ナシ! Anyway, the amazing thing about this knit top is that it goes well with any dress!
This is no problem for those who don't like sleeveless or cami onesies, not only when it's chilly, but also when the silhouette of the dress is maintained from the chest down!
インナーパンツもDESERTにして、Feminine&COOL! Camisole dress with beautiful DESERT colour and drape.
The inner trousers are also DESERT, Feminine & COOL!
歩く度に動きがあるアゲワンピ! Balloon dress made of firm cotton with more than three times the amount of fabric as usual!
A mood-enhancing dress that moves every time you walk!
シンプルなコットンニットワンピをレイヤードして生れるシルエットが、他にはないカッコ良さと美しさがあるイチマイ! The silhouette created by layering a simple cotton knit dress is uniquely cool and beautiful!