そこで今回のコンテンツは、全く印象が違うこの2つのワンピースの再登場と合わせて、迷う必要ナシ!どちらも全くの別モノ!っということで、それぞれのポイントと印象の違いをご紹介! For the second year in a row, the dress from the RUNDHOLZ linen series sold out immediately within a few days of its launch.
Last year and this year, many people picked up both, partly because they are completely different designs in the same linen material.
However, both sold out without being shown styled or actually being used, so we decided to have these two models specially reproduced!
So for this content, there's no need to get lost with the re-release of these two completely different impressions of the two dresses! Both are completely different! So, here are the key points and different impressions of each one!
そこで今回のコンテンツは、全く印象が違うこの2つのワンピースの再登場と合わせて、迷う必要ナシ!どちらも全くの別モノ!っということで、それぞれのポイントと印象の違いをご紹介! For the second year in a row, the dress from the RUNDHOLZ linen series sold out immediately within a few days of its launch.
Last year and this year, many people picked up both, partly because they are completely different designs in the same linen material.
However, both sold out without being shown styled or actually being used, so we decided to have these two models specially reproduced!
So for this content, there's no need to get lost with the re-release of these two completely different impressions of the two dresses! Both are completely different! So, here are the key points and different impressions of each one!

どちらも即完売してしまうほど、魅力がそれぞれに詰まってます! "It's not a matter of which is better, both are good!" The two linen dress that answer the question "Which one is better?"
Both are so attractive in their own way that they sell out immediately!
どちらも即完売してしまうほど、魅力がそれぞれに詰まってます! "It's not a matter of which is better, both are good!" The two linen dress that answer the question "Which one is better?"
Both are so attractive in their own way that they sell out immediately!
ゆったりとしたシルエットをベースにサイドのヒモを使ってアレンジが楽しめる! Based on a loose-fitting silhouette, it can be arranged using the side straps! -
キレイなオープンバックが目を惹くクールなワンピは、インナータンクと合わせれば誰でも簡単に楽しめる! The beautiful open back makes this cool dress eye-catching and easy for anyone to enjoy when paired with an inner tank!

それぞれの一番のポイントにフォーカス! Two linen dresses, each with completely different qualities.
Focus on the best thing about each!
それぞれの一番のポイントにフォーカス! Two linen dresses, each with completely different qualities.
Focus on the best thing about each!
なんと言ってもこのワンピの魅力は、サイドのヒモを使ってゆったりとしたシルエットのワンピも、それぞれにシルエットを変えて印象も変えれること! After all, the charm of this dress is that you can use the side drawcodes to change the silhouette of the loose-fitting dress and the impression of each one!
そしてどんなパンツでもバランス良くマッチする! The cocoon silhouette of this front-facing dress can be worn with trousers for a cool look!
And it matches well with any trousers for a balanced look!

半袖タイプはワンピの中に着るのではなく、ワンピの上からONすることが鉄則です! When it's a bit chilly, combine with a short-sleeved top or a light outer◎
The ironclad rule is to turn shor-sleeved top on over a dress, rather than wearing it inside a dress!
半袖タイプはワンピの中に着るのではなく、ワンピの上からONすることが鉄則です! When it's a bit chilly, combine with a short-sleeved top or a light outer◎
The ironclad rule is to turn shor-sleeved top on over a dress, rather than wearing it inside a dress!