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This week we focus on this Primo blouson, which we were unable to introduce as a useful and versatile blouson and jacket, which we focused on in the content we uploaded last week!
In fact, it has become as popular this year as the new autumn/winter big-name outerwear, and is already out of sizes, with only sizes XS and S available at the moment.
However, this blouson with a relaxed silhouette can be worn without any problems, even in size XS or S. We will introduce you to the blouson, including the size feeling!

  • Primordial is Primitive
  • Primordial is Primitive

    " 新しい素材として、確立したプリモのHA素材
    今年待望のアウターは身長体型を問わない、スタイリングも幅広いマルチアウター! "

    "Primo's HA material established as a new material
    This year's long-awaited outerwear is a multi-layered outerwear with a wide range of styling regardless of height or body type!"

    Based on suede-like eco-leather with a waxed look, this series is already endorsed by many people for its pants and cardigan jackets, as it is a material that you can enjoy getting used to every time you wear it.
    I thought that this leather-like outerwear would make a strong impression, but the goodness of this cocoon blouson is that it not only blends in with each style, but also has a well-balanced silhouette and design!

Even if the shoulder and body width seem fine, it is the sleeve length and the length of the garment that are of concern.
But don't worry! It's obvious at a glance when you compare sizes!
Usually XS and S are not recommended for M-L people because of the shorter sleeve and length.
However, this blouson can be recommended without any problems.
On the other hand, we are concerned that the sleeve length may be too long for those who are usually size XS-S. But don't worry, the elastic at the sleeve cuffs will firmly balance the sleeve length so that they are not too long and don't get in the way!

ゆったりスウェットフーディーの上からでも、モコモコニットの上から羽織っても◎ Can be worn over a loose-fitting sweatshirt hoodie or over a fuzzy knit.

カジュアルからキレイ目スタイリングまで、幅広く楽しめるアウターは持っていて間違いなく、長く愛用できる必須条件! Outerwear that can be enjoyed in a wide range of styles, from casual to beautiful styling, is a must-have and can be used for a long time!
    • カジュアルなスウェットフーディーとジョギパンのデイリースタイリングには、ブーツでしっかりとエッジにまとめるのが鉄則! The must rule for everyday styling with casual sweatshirt hoodies and joggies is to keep it edgy with boots!
    • エコレザーの風合いが、スウェットやパンツにもパキッとせずに馴染みつつ、エッジをプラスしてくれる!
      The texture of the eco-leather adds an edge while blending in with sweatshirts and trousers without cracking up!
      They are all quick and easy items, yet COOL!
    • デニムとニットの組み合わせでも、スタイリッシュさを残したこの組み合わせは、ニットのシルエットのチカラ!
      This combination of denim and knitwear that remains stylish is the power of the knit silhouette!
      Add a coloured top to make it not too simple!
    • ニットとエコレザーの相性良さを感じるレイヤードスタイリング。
      Layered styling with knitwear and eco-leather.
      The side coating of the denim and the texture of the eco-leather link together to create a well-balanced styling.
    • 黒の中に映えるグレーのパンツ。
      Grey trousers in black.
      And the base styling with the shirt is a well-balanced combination that is not too tight.
    • グレーパンツの柔らかな雰囲気とは対照的にエコレザーのクールな雰囲気が見事にバランス良くマッチ!
      The coolness of the eco-leather contrasts beautifully with the softness of the grey trousers!
      Can be worn with a shirt or with any top item.
    • ゆったりロングスウェットトップスには、バランス良く馴染むようにバルーンスカートを合わせてまとめたスタイリング! The loose-fitting long sweatshirt top is styled together with a balloon skirt for a balanced and comfortable fit!
    • ダブルジップを活かして首元だけ留めて、袖は通さずにケープ風に!
      Make use of the double zip and fasten only at the neck, cape style without sleeves.
      The drop line feeling along the shoulder line gives a sense of stability.

真冬にしか着れないアウターよりも、ムリなく簡単にレイヤードして真冬にも着れるアウターの方が間違いなくスタイリングが楽しめる!っというのがクアドラー流! Outerwear that can be easily and effortlessly layered and worn in the middle of winter is definitely more enjoyable to style than outerwear that can only be worn in the middle of winter! That's the Quadrato style!
    • フーディートップスの上からサッと羽織って今時期の寒暖差も問題ナシ!
      Wear it over a hoodie top for a quick change in temperature this time of year!
      When the weather gets colder, wrap yourself up in a blouson coat with big pockets for easy temperature control as well as protection against the cold!

    • ブラックスタイリングの中に映えるカラートップスをアクセントに秋スタイリングを楽しむ!
      Enjoy autumn styling by accenting coloured tops that look great in black styling!
      In mid-winter, take advantage of light, loose-fitting cotton shirts and throw them on for a complete look!