HOME HOME  ▶  1Skirt=1+1="∞Styling∞" 1Skirt=1+1="∞Styling∞"
We have been introducing "cool skirts that are not bland or flirtatious" since last season.
We have been presenting them to people who don't normally wear skirts, with a cool, unisex styling.
This season, skirts have become the focus of attention as a new fun style for many people, and it has been worthwhile.
All of our skirts have become so popular that you can now style them with your usual tops in cool way!
So this time we focus on the Nostra wrap skirt set, which has been on sale for a while now, but we haven't had a chance to show you how good it is, including how to arrange it!
At the shop, we have been able to introduce the goodness of this item, and most of the customers who have seen first-hand how to arrange and match it have even picked it up!
There are only a few left, but this is an item that should be conveyed well!

" 1つのスカートが、それぞれ全く違った使い方で楽しめるスカート! "

" One skirt, but each skirt can be used in a completely different way! "
Two skirts in two different materials. They can be worn as a set, of course, but they can also be separated separately, so it would be a shame not to make the most of them!

  • サイズは1サイズ展開で、通常XS〜Lの方まで着用可能。
    One size fits all, usually XS-L.
    The waist is elasticated and the cover wrap skirt is also one size without problems!
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  • ハリ感のあるコットン素材。でも薄手でオールシーズン着用可能。
    Cotton material with a firm feel. But it is thin and can be worn in all seasons.
    At first glance, you might be worried about transparency due to its thinness, but the generous amount of fabric used prevents silhouette transparency from the knees up.
  • ウール100%と言っても毛足も短く薄手なので、夏以外の3シーズン着用可能!
    Even though it is 100% wool, the pile is short and thin, so it can be worn in all three seasons except summer!
    The wrinkled look matches any bottom material.
    The impression changes depending on how it is wrapped and where it is positioned, so it can be easily arranged to suit different bottoms!

A simple and easy to match cotton fabric skirt is utilised as an inner skirt for a tunic length top!
The silhouette has a generous amount of fabric, yet the volume is kept to a minimum, making it easy to match.
    • お気に入りのライトスエットトップのインナースカートとして。
      As an inner skirt for your favourite light sweat top.
      When the overall volume is brought to the top, a clean inner skirt is a good thing!
    • トップスのゆったり感にバランスよく馴染んだシルエットで◎
      The silhouette is well balanced with the relaxed feel of the tops.
      By bringing the overall volume to the top, it plays a supporting role!

    • 似たような生地感と生地厚のトップスと合わせることでワンピースのように自然に馴染むのが◎ By combining with a top of similar fabric and fabric thickness, it blends in naturally like a dress◎
    • ウェストゴムを折り返して、スカートの長さをアレンジすることで身長関係なく、バランス取れるのが◎
      By folding back the waist elastic and arranging the length of the skirt, it can be balanced regardless of your height.

メンズパンツにもサッと巻くだけで一気に新しいスタイリングにしてくれるのがこのラップカバーのすごいところ! The great thing about this wrap cover is that it can be quickly wrapped around men's trousers to instantly give them a new styling!
    • 見覚えのあるいつものテッパンスタイリングがベース。
      Based on the familiar and timeless styling.
      Keep it cool and good in all BLACK!
    • パンツのカラーヒモをあえて見せないことで、パンツとの馴染みが生まれさらに自然な雰囲気に!
      By daring not to show the coloured straps of the trousers, they blend in with the trousers and create an even more natural atmosphere!

    • アウターと同じ感覚でカラーパンツに合わせることでパンツがさらに映えるのが◎ Matching coloured trousers with the same feeling as the outerwear makes the trousers look even better◎
    • ロングカーディガンやコートを羽織っている感覚で歩く度になびくのが◎
      Fluttering every time you walk, just like wearing a long cardigan or coat.
      Suitable for loose-fitting trousers as well as slim-fitting trousers.