HOME HOME ▶  It's not ECO-Leather! It's NEO-Leather! It's not ECO-Leather! It's NEO-Leather!
We will enjoy fashion with a clearer distinction between new items and items that can be used for a long time! This is one of the themes for 2024 proposed by Quadrato.
So this time, before the new items are introduced for spring, we have had two items that are still indispensable for us, even after nearly three years since their launch, reproduced as items that can be worn all the time!
These two models have been available every season in the same model but in a different material, TA material, but it has been two years since the HA material first appeared on the market!
The same design and model becomes a completely different thing just by using this HA material! This special material has a coolness and presence that you can't find anywhere else!
First of all, let's focus on the advantages and features of HA material and introduce some styling!


Primordial has a name for each of the fabrics it handles, and this fabric, which has the look of suede that has been sprayed on, is called "HA".
Even though this fabric generally belongs to the category of eco-leather, this HA material has a more expressive and textured look and feel than genuine suede.
At the same time, it is incomparably easier to handle than genuine suede, and Quadrate has positioned it in a new category as a new type of leather that goes beyond leather!

    • " 1.程よいストレッチ "
      " 1.Moderate stretch "
      This cardigan jacket with neat arms has just the right amount of stretch, making it stress-free!
      And, because of its stretchy properties, inner tops that go well with slim silhouettes won't get stiff.
    • " 2.使い込むほどに表情の深みが増す "
      " 2.The more you use it, the deeper the expression becomes. "
      The surface of sprayed or coated fabrics may crack as you use them.
      However, this HA material leaves just the right amount of spraying, while the suede-like fabric at the base has a much more textured texture, giving it a deeper look!
    • " 3.本革と同様に、表情の違いがある "
      " 3.Like genuine leather, there are different expressions "
      Conventional eco-leather has a strong impression of a flat look, and can sometimes feel a bit cheap.
      However, in that respect, it has a tasteful look that is comparable to genuine leather! That's why I don't want to call it eco-leather!
    • " 4.柔らかく、しなやか、そして軽い "
      " 4.Soft, supple and light "
      Unlike bags and shoes, when it comes to pants and cardigan jackets, I don't want to wear them even with genuine leather unless they meet these three points.
      Genuine leather that satisfies these three points is almost twice as expensive as regular leather.
      In that respect, this HA is perfect in every way!

    • 上下黒をベースにしたスタイリングでもHAジャケットにしてアウターを羽織るだけでメリハリあるバランスに! Even if your style is based on black top and bottom, you can create a nice balance by simply wearing an HA jacket and an outer layer!
    • ラクーンニットとの相性も良く、デイリースタイリングで合わせてもカチッとし過ぎた印象にならないのが◎ It goes well with raccoon knit, and it won't look too stiff even when paired with daily styling◎
    • ドレープを活かしたパンツワンピースを惹き立てるように、サッと羽織っただけなのにサマになるベストバランス! It's the best balance that makes you look hot even if you just put it on, as it makes the best use of the drape of the pants-dress!
    • カラーTシャツの上からサッと羽織ることで、シンプルなスタイリングでもエッジを効かせられるのはHA素材だからこそ! The HA material allows you to add an edge to even simple styling by wearing it over a colored T-shirt!

    • ファーコートとのシルエットの相性はもちろん、素材感の相性も◎
      Not only does the silhouette go well with the fur coat, but the material also goes well with it◎
      The best pants for enjoying fur in a rough, not elegant way!
    • ラクーンとブルゾンの最強レイヤード!
      The best layered raccoon and blouson!
      Pair these pants with a loose-fitting top silhouette for a crisp silhouette!
    • コットンニットをメインとした春のスタイリングと合わせても、主張しすぎない素材感へと変身するのがHA素材のスゴイとこ! The great thing about HA material is that it transforms into a material that doesn't make too much of an statement, even when combined with spring styling that focuses on cotton knits!
    • 長めのトップスと合わせてもチラッと見える足が春らしい印象に!
      Even if you pair it with a long top, you can see a glimpse of your legs for a spring-like impression!
      The best combination for a well-balanced look, regardless of your height!