寒がりなワタシと暑がりなヤマダの、まさにリアルな羽織り事情です! This week's content is divided into two categories - those who is sensitive to heat and to cold - and focuses on two nylon weaves that are in season now, the best and most comfortable for the rainy season that is just around the corner!
The temperatures may finally be warm enough to wear short sleeves during the day, but at night the temperature drops dramatically.
However, the items you need to wear to stay comfortable differ depending on whether you are a hot-weather person or a cold-weather person.
The rainy season is coming next month.
So this time, we'll introduce the best cloaks for this time of year, when the difference between cold and warm is intense, as well as for the rainy season!
This is a real-life situation for the cold-sensitive and the hot-sensitive!
寒がりなワタシと暑がりなヤマダの、まさにリアルな羽織り事情です! This week's content is divided into two categories - those who is sensitive to heat and to cold - and focuses on two nylon weaves that are in season now, the best and most comfortable for the rainy season that is just around the corner!
The temperatures may finally be warm enough to wear short sleeves during the day, but at night the temperature drops dramatically.
However, the items you need to wear to stay comfortable differ depending on whether you are a hot-weather person or a cold-weather person.
The rainy season is coming next month.
So this time, we'll introduce the best cloaks for this time of year, when the difference between cold and warm is intense, as well as for the rainy season!
This is a real-life situation for the cold-sensitive and the hot-sensitive!
スポーティなイメージのナイロン素材も、デザインやちょっとしたディテール次第で一気にスタイリッシュに! Unlike cotton, it has a smooth, dry feel.
The sporty image of nylon fabrics can be made stylish with the right design and small details!
スポーティなイメージのナイロン素材も、デザインやちょっとしたディテール次第で一気にスタイリッシュに! Unlike cotton, it has a smooth, dry feel.
The sporty image of nylon fabrics can be made stylish with the right design and small details!
軽さと薄さの羽織りを求めてる人には、まさにコレ! I don't want a sporty nylon blouson! This nylon blouson was picked up one after the other by those who wanted a light and thin garment!
For those who are looking for a lightweight, thin weave, this is exactly what you need! -
このバランスだからこそ、オトナが楽しめるボンバージャケットに! Silhouette of the arms like a bomber jacket and the body like a blouson jacket.
This balance makes it a bomber jacket that can be enjoyed by adults!
RUNDHOLZのナイロンブルゾンは、クルクルっとまるめてバッグのすき間にINできるほど! Comfortable not only when worn them!
It folds up compactly and is not bulky, so you can carry it with you!
At first glance, bajra's reversible jackets may look voluminous when folded, but they are compact without being bulky◎
The nylon blouson from RUNDHOLZ can be folded up so that it can be put in the crevices of a bag!
RUNDHOLZのナイロンブルゾンは、クルクルっとまるめてバッグのすき間にINできるほど! Comfortable not only when worn them!
It folds up compactly and is not bulky, so you can carry it with you!
At first glance, bajra's reversible jackets may look voluminous when folded, but they are compact without being bulky◎
The nylon blouson from RUNDHOLZ can be folded up so that it can be put in the crevices of a bag!
けど、自宅で簡単にケアできるから、気兼ねなく着れるのが◎ If you have to take them to the cleaners every time, it's not only a hassle, but you miss the time to wear them!
But because you can take care of it easily at home, you can wear it without any worries ◎.
けど、自宅で簡単にケアできるから、気兼ねなく着れるのが◎ If you have to take them to the cleaners every time, it's not only a hassle, but you miss the time to wear them!
But because you can take care of it easily at home, you can wear it without any worries ◎.
あとはそれぞれのベストポイントで自分にあったアイテムを! Two blousons with completely different designs and silhouettes.
The rest of the items can be personalised with the best points of each!
あとはそれぞれのベストポイントで自分にあったアイテムを! Two blousons with completely different designs and silhouettes.
The rest of the items can be personalised with the best points of each!
" bajra "
The key point is that it is light and thin!
As a comfortable item for even the hottest of people, there is a difference not only in styling ability but also in a sense of security if you don't wear it!
As a comfortable item for even the hottest of people, there is a difference not only in styling ability but also in a sense of security if you don't wear it!
" bajra "
Reversible type kills two birds with one stone, as you don't have to worry about getting lost in colour!
You can play with the styling of the trousers and tops without changing them!
You can play with the styling of the trousers and tops without changing them!
スタイリッシュなエッジのあるボリュームパンツにも馴染むシルエットのナイロンブルゾンとしてお出かけにも!" Matches edgy styling! "For going out as a nylon blouson with a silhouette that also fits in with volume trousers with a stylish edge!
デザイン性あるブルゾンのシルエットが、シンプルなデイリースタイリングにアクセントをプラスして一気にアカ抜けに!The design-oriented silhouette of the blouson adds an accent to simple everyday styling and makes it instantly look more sophisticated!
どちらにもCOOLに合い、最大限にリバーシブルを楽しめる!Black trousers + white top.
COOL match for both, for maximum reversibility! -
同じ色の組み合わせでもガラリと変わる!White trousers + black top.
Just bringing white to the bottoms instantly adds lightness!
The same colour combination can change the whole look!