HOME HOME  ▶  New Sensation Sandals! New Sensation Sandals!
The fur sandals, which have already been used on the styling pages and have been inquired about by many who have seen them, are finally being released this week!
Even though they have fur on them, sandals at this time of year? Some of you may be thinking: "But boots were also resistant to summer wear until a few years ago.
But until a few years ago, most people didn't feel comfortable wearing boots in summer.
Nowadays, it's commonplace for people to wear boots all year round, including summer in Quadrato.
Now, sandals can be enjoyed not only in summer but also in autumn and winter, just as they were back then!

あえてソックスタイプではなく、レッグウォーマーにしたことで、いつもの靴下を履いたままその上からONできるので、余計な心配もなくストレスフリーに! By daring to use leg warmers instead of sock-type warmers, they can be turned on over them with the usual socks on, making them stress-free without any extra worries!



✔Fabric and thickness to balance the volume of fur sandals

✔Secure warmth

✔Spandex blend, good elasticity but does not lose its shape

✔Resistant to pilling!

  • 動きのあるワンピとロングコートに、足元しっかりボリュームでバランス良く◎
    A dress with movement and a long coat, balanced out by the volume of the footwear.
    Accentuate the layered mesh knit and fur sandals!
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    Your favourite trousers are the your new trousers!
    Loose-fitting trousers that used to be worn with boots with the hems folded back can now be worn full-length!

  • オールブラックスタイリングの中でも、異なる素材感を活かしてメリハリあるスタイリングに!
    Even in all-black styling, different materials are used to create a crisp look!
  • 上部からボトムへの流れるようなゆったりボリュームラインのシルエットでも、しっかりバランス良く受け止めてくれるのがファーサンダル!
    Fur sandals are well balanced even in a silhouette with a loose, voluminous line that flows from the top to the bottom!